The Human Immunodeficiency Virus Dependent Quality of Life (HIVDQoL) questionnaire is an individualised, self-completion questionnaire, specifically designed to measure QoL and the impact on QoL in people living with HIV.
The HIVDQoL includes two overview items which measure present ‘generic QoL’ and ‘HIV-specific QoL’ and 26 domain-specific items each including two rating scales, one measuring impact and the other measuring the importance of the domain for QoL.
The HIVDQoL is designed for use with adults with HIV. It may be administered by mail or in the clinic and can be self-completed or completed by an interviewer, in person or via telephone. The HIVDQoL is designed for a range of purposes including:
- an assessment tool with individuals
- an assessment tool with groups of patients
- a broad cross-sectional survey instrument
- a routine part of clinical audit cycles
- an outcome measure for clinical research trials evaluating new treatments